速報APP / 生活品味 / Sightseeing In Vicinity

Sightseeing In Vicinity





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Sightseeing In Vicinity(圖1)-速報App

Find Travel Agency, Park, Car rental, Museum, ATM, Parking, Airport, Bus Station, Taxi stand, Aquarium, Art Gallery and Zoo of your nearest location

Sightseeing In Vicinity is a powerful application to find the nearest Travel Agency, Park, Car rental, Museum, ATM, Parking, Airport, Bus Station, Taxi stand, Aquarium, Art Gallery and Zoo of your location.

App features:

1- The app uses GPS to identify your current location.

Sightseeing In Vicinity(圖2)-速報App

2- The app sorts the Travel Agency, Park, Car rental, Museum, ATM, Parking, Airport, Bus Station, Taxi stand, Aquarium, Art Gallery and Zoo by the nearest one.

3- The app calculate the distance between your location and nearest Travel Agency, Park, Car rental, Museum, ATM, Parking, Airport, Bus Station, Taxi stand, Aquarium, Art Gallery and Zoo.

4- The app uses Google maps to show the direction of Travel Agency, Park, Car rental, Museum, ATM, Parking, Airport, Bus Station, Taxi stand, Aquarium, Art Gallery and Zoo.

5- The app supports Google Road map

Sightseeing In Vicinity(圖3)-速報App

6- The app creates path on the map between your location and the nearest Travel Agency, Park, Car rental, Museum, ATM, Parking, Airport, Bus Station, Taxi stand, Aquarium, Art Gallery and Zoo.

Sightseeing In Vicinity(圖4)-速報App